Thursday, February 7, 2013

Transfered to Fremantle with New Companion...


So the last two weeks I haven’t been able to get a message to you because I took too long recording them and they wouldn’t send over the email so this one will be pretty fast.

First off I’m transferred. I got moved up to Fremantle. It’s the main dock where things come into Perth. I’m a lot closer to the city and I can see it every night. I got a new companion. His name is Elder Bennion. He’s from Holladay, UT. He’s pretty cool. IF he’s done on the phone out there we’ll go and he can say hello for a little bit. Something cool about Elder Bennion is that his grandparents are buried here and has a connection to Heath Ledger and a story about his ashes. It’s pretty sweet.  He also has a laugh just like Jeremy’s its pretty cool. He’s our district leader like Keers. It’s pretty cool because I get to go on heaps of exchanges and learn from a lot of different missionaries. 

Here’s Elder Bennion: “Hey Elder Cook’s family, this is Elder Bennion. It’s a pleasure to talk to you right now. Elder Cook is an awesome elder and I love serving with him. We’ve only been together for a few days but I already feel like him and I are already good friends and we’ve known each other for a long time. He’s awesome. We’re here in Melbol. Oh Fremantle, Fair enough it works. I’m from Salt Lake City, Holliday Utah. Did you already tell them that? Oh well I guess you already knew that. I went to Skyline High school and I love your son and family member. Elder Cook is awesome and makes super good food. He must have learned that from his mother; Right? Awesome well it’s an honor to serve with your son, he’s a cool guy. I love him and I love you as well family. I hope you’re doing well.”

Well there was Elder Bennion, he’s a stud.  

My trainer Keers left a voice mail that I wanted you to hear but it was too long too so another time. 

The thing about this ward is that there are a lot of older people and a lot of YSA (young single adults). I miss my old area Rockingham. We had a dinner appointment tonight with the Bishops family and teaching a really cool Australian family. I miss the islander families and just pigging out with your fingers and hands. It was even rude not to. Here we use a knife and fork and stuff but this is where the Lord wants me. 

This area right now is pretty dead. We worked so hard to get things going in Rockingham that it’s a challenge to get this place going but its all right; More contacting to do. 

We did run into a former investigator. We talk a little bit about part of the restoration but he was drunk as so we looked at each other and knew it wasn’t going anywhere so we set up another time with him to talk to him. He does some different art style; you can look it up on Facebook if you want.  

The best blessing here though is that I got a new bed and it doesn’t squeak. The showers are warm in the morning but there is a cold vent right above the shower so every time I pull my head out of the warm water it gets really cold from the vent. That’s one of my trials I have to go through every morning. 

Something pretty cool about here is that there are black swans. It’s the only place they’re found. I’ll have to get some pictures of them. 

Well this message is definitely going to send because it’s a short one. 

Love you. We’ll see ya later; bye.
Elder Cook

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